Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Over 300 votes were cast in deciding the most important awards in the history of award giving. This year had a record number of entries and also had the closest results in the Mr. Sasquatch Competition's existence.  Before getting to the results, The Sasquatch Commission would like to thank all who competed, voted, and helped out in any way.  We would like to thank this year's sponsors, and encourage you to give them your business(Tell them Mr. Sasquatch sent you).  
And now, on to the awards:

Every competitor will be the envy of all who see them wearing their new Mr. Sasquatch 2011 T-shirt from Ken's Screenprinting!

The Tenderfoot
This person shall be known as "The Rookie", and will receive a Beard Head to hide their facial hair shame.  
(Special thanks to Beard Head for their prize donation.  Check out beardhead.com for more awesomeness!)
  The Rookie is.......................


The Picasso
This person shall be known as "The Artiste" and will receive a Philips Norelco All-in-one trimmer to continue their facial artistry.
 The Artiste is......................


General Burnsides
This person shall be known as "The General" and will receive a backpack and headlamp

from Outdoor Outlet to help in his quest to capture the illusive Sasquatch.
(Special thanks to Outdoor Outlet for their prize donation.  Check them out for all your outdoor supply needs!)
 The General is...........................


Rollie Fingers
This person shall be known as "Mr. Mustachio" and will be able to announce their title to the world with their very own Carstache.

Mr. Mustachio is........................


Mr. Sasquatch
This person shall be known as "Mr. Sasquatch" and will receive the crown jewel of competition prizes; The Mr. Sasquatch Trophy.

MR. SASQUATCH IS..................

Thanks again for everyone's participation.  Check back every so often for sasquatch updates and for details about upcoming competitions.  
Until next time, have a hairy day and stay squatchy!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Congrats to all! What a fun and hairy competition!