Tuesday, January 25, 2011

2011 Rules

The competition officially begins on February 15th and ends on March 31st. In order to enter the competition you must submit your desire to compete by sending an email to sasquatch.comp@gmail.com .

Males and females are both eligible to enter, but society may not be ready to embrace female competitors.

You can submit your desire to compete from the date these rules are posted until March 3rd. The list of competitors will be released on March 3rd.


Although the competition has a beginning and ending date, you may chose to only compete for a limited time. For example, if you have an event that will require you to shave by March 20th, you can compete up until the day you have to shave, take your pictures, shave and submit your pictures.

All competitors are entered in every category of the competition.

Between April 1st and April 2nd competitors must submit their entry photos through an email to sasquatch.comp@gmail.com .
You are allowed to submit up to 3 photographs (1 front view and 2 side views). All photographs must be taken at the same time. For example, you can't take a picture with your full beard and then shave and leave sideburns and a mustache and then take another picture.

If you have any questions about the rules, email them to sasquatch.comp@gmail.com .


The competition consists of 5 categories:

Mr. Sasquatch

Named in honor of the mysterious large bipedal hairy hominid known to roam various mountainous parts of the world. This award goes to the hairiest, grungiest, most Neanderthal looking piece of facial hair. The less evolved you look, the better. However, imitation of the Sasquatch stench is not encouraged and could result in loss of friends. This is the grand prize of the competition. Besides instant fame and glory, the winner will receive the title of Mr. Sasquatch for a year and receive a prize to be revealed with the results.

General Burnside

Named after the great war general with even greater facial hair, this award goes to the competitor with the best sideburns. The winner will be known as "The General" and receive a prize to be revealed with the results.

Rollie Fingers

Named after the Padres Hall of Fame pitcher Roland Glen "Mr. Mustache" Fingers. This award goes to the competitor with the best mustache. The winner will be known as "Mr. Mustachio" for the year and will receive a prize to be revealed with the results of the competition.

The Picasso

Named after the great artist Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso, this award goes to the contestant with the most artistic facial hair. Hair coloring is not only allowed, but encouraged. The winner will be known as "The Artiste" for a year and will receive a prize to be revealed with the results of the competition.

The Tenderfoot:
This is the Mr. Sasquatch equivalent to dishonorable mention. This award goes to the contestant who probably should have waited for puberty to set in before entering the competition. They will be known as "The Rookie" for the year and will receive a prize to be revealed with the results of the competition.

2011 Calendar of Events

  • February 15th - The competition begins (Shave your face!)
  • March 3rd - Last day to enter the competition (send an email to sasquatch.comp@gmail.com)
  • March 31st - Last day of competition (Take your pictures!)
  • April 1st & 2nd - Photo submissions (email up to 3 pictures to sasquatch.comp@gmail.com)
  • April 4th-10th - Voting (1 vote per person per category)
  • April 12th - Winners and prizes are announced (Good luck to all!)


Can anyone enter the competition?
Yes, anyone can enter.

If I don't want to compete, can I still be a part of the festivities?
Yes, everyone can make a difference by returning to this site between April 5th and 10th.

Is it really as easy as sending an email, shaving on February 15th, not shaving until March 31st, taking a picture on March 31st and emailing it in?
Yes, it is that easy.

I already have really awesome facial fuzz. Do I really have to shave it off to compete?
Yes, all competitors are required to start with a clean-shaven face to begin the competition.

Are you interested in more sponsors?
Yes, we welcome anyone who wants to contribute funds, prizes, or expertise to the competition. Send an email to sasquatch.comp@gmail.com to find out more.

Does entering the competition guarantee that I will become more popular?
The scientific research still hasn't come back yet, but it is pretty certain that you will become more popular by entering the contest.

Previous Champions