Monday, April 12, 2010

The 2010 Results!

The highlight of the year has finally arrived. The results are in. Over 80 people cast their votes in deciding the most important awards in the history of award giving. Before getting to the results The Sasquatch Commission would like to thank all who competed, voted, and helped out in any way. A huge thanks goes out to Ken's Screenprinting for providing the shirts again this year. If you ever have a screenprinting need, check out Ken's and tell them The Sasquatch Commission sent you. Now, on to the awards.

Every competitor will receive their own Mr. Sasquatch 2010 shirt just for participating.The Tenderfoot
This person shall be known as, "The Rookie" and will receive this stylish Facial Hair Kit.
The Tenderfoot is..........................................................

Michael The Younger!

The Picasso
This person shall be known as, "The Artiste" and will receive a Remington Personal Trimmer for precision trimming of sideburns, neckline, eyebrows, nose and ear hair.
The Artiste is..........................


Rollie Fingers
This person shall be known as, "Mr. Mustachio" and will receive a magnificent mustache comb and a Mr. Mustachio T-shirt.

Mr. Mustachio is........................


General Burnsides
This person shall be known as, "The General" and will receive a General T-shirt.
The General is...........................


Mr. Sasquatch
This person shall be known as, "Mr. Sasquatch" and will receive this immaculate Mr. Sasquatch trophy to display for all to see and be jealous of.

Mr. Sasquatch is............................................

Thanks again for everyone's participation. Check back every so often for sasquatch updates and for details of the next competition. Until then, stay squatchy.

Monday, April 5, 2010


Here are the entries for this year's competition!
The Sasquatch hopefuls have finished their hair growth. Now it is time for you to do your part, by casting your votes. Please encourage your friends, family, potential mates, enemies and complete strangers to visit this post and cast their votes as well. Instructions on how to vote are after the pictures of this year's hairy hopefuls. After voting, check back here on April 12th to see who will be crowned as champions.


(entry disqualified by the commission)




Michael the Younger



SamBefore voting, here are some things to remember:
  • Voters can only cast one vote per category(5 votes total).
  • Only votes from valid email addresses will be accepted.
  • You may vote for a competitor in multiple categories.
  • Voters are encouraged to cast a vote in each category.
  • Questionable votes will be reviewed and ruled upon by The Sasquatch Commission.
There are 2 ways to vote:
  1. Sending an email to with "Votes" in the subject line.
  2. By using the comments section on the bottom of this post with your email address included (The comments/votes will not be published).
The Categories (feel free to copy and paste this into your email or comment for voting).
Mr. Sasquatch
General Burnside (The General)
Rollie Fingers (Mr. Mustachio)
The Picasso (The Artiste)
The Tenderfoot (The Rookie)

Don't forget to check back here on April 12th for the results.
Thank you for your votes,
The Sasquatch Commission